Sunday, August 4, 2013

Speyer and Sinsheim - tanks and AFVs

Here are some of the tanks and AFVs at these two fine museums, mostly at the latter.

The Sinsheim museum's main problem is that it is a bit cramped. As can be seen, the gear is presented beautifully. I actually saw two women dusting the exhibits. One indicated to me in halting English that many of the the cars and tanks could be driven./

Detail of the same vehicle.

Late model Pz KW IV

German 80mm mortar (from memory)

Universal Carrier, complete with Boy's anti-tank rifle.

Post war Ferret scout car, which is really cute.

I like to be able to get above the exhibits so here are some shots from the gantry.

Outside there are two whole rows of vehicles.

Now you see why the Priest was so-called!

M3 STuart light tank

Nike-Hercules surface-to-air missile. There was a continuous belt of these missiles stretching from the Baltic to the Austrian border. With the lower altitude HAWK, these missiles provided NATO with its main SAM defences for most of the Cold War.

Big 8 wheeled post war EBR French armoured car.

Sherman engineer vehicle

M24 Chaffee

Big BTR 60 eight wheeled APC, of which the Russians built huge numbers, forming the main equipment of most Motorised Rifle divisions until the BMP came along, and were used heavily in Afghanisatn.

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